Writing a book is a tremendous experience. It pays off intellectually, clarifies your thinking and builds credibility. It is a living engine of marketing and ideas spreading, working every day to deliver your message with authority. Your should write one.
Seth Godin
Do I Need a Ghostwriter?
How do you find the best ghostwriter for hire? How can you be sure that they will write the book you want? Trust your instincts and their track record. Find professional ghostwriting services with experience in your area. Are you looking for a business book ghostwriter or some other type of non-fiction ghostwriter for hire? Consider how you want to work with that writer. You may want to ‘talk your book’ via recorded interview. Or, you may already have extensive written or audio-visual material but need help to bring it all together into a coherent manuscript.
Whatever you have, I can help you achieve your goal of becoming a published author in a way that suits you. If, “I need a ghostwriter for my book” has appeared on your ‘To Do’ list since 1975 it might be time to outsource. If you are an expert with valuable insight or knowledge or have first-hand experience that can help others but don’t have the time to excavate that knowledge, an experienced ghostwriter for hire could be the answer.
The irony of becoming an author is that often the people who are best placed to write a great book, due to their knowledge or experience are also often the people who have the least time to do it. In many cases, they are the experts, consultants, health practitioners, entrepreneurs and business leaders who are already extremely busy doing what they are expert in!
Taking time out to write a book often comes with a sizeable opportunity cost. It is therefore worth pointing out that a well written, content-rich book delivers business and brand building benefits beyond the desire to be an author. Writing a book also often makes smart business sense too. This is why using professional ghostwriting services could be the answer.
Business Benefits of Becoming an Author
According to The Business Impact of Writing a Book – a study conducted by RainToday.com and Wellesley Hills Group an impressive 96% of non-fiction authors surveyed reported that publishing a book positively influenced their business. In addition, authors reported that their book:
- Improved their brand (94%).
- Led to more speaking engagements (95%).
- Resulted in more clients (96%).
- Generated more leads (94%).
- Allowed them to charge higher fees (87%).
- Facilitated a more desirable client base (87%).
- Helped to close more deals (76%).
The overwhelming outcome of this research was, “Assuming you have something worthwhile to say in a book, write one!” If you can’t find the time or you have tried and realised it’s not a skill that comes naturally to you, then I can help. In business we don’t think twice about outsourcing our design needs or hiring an architect why should it be any different for writing? So, if ‘writer’ isn’t one of your innate gifts, you don’t have time or simply don’t enjoy writing – outsource it! Using professional ghostwriting services to capture your voice and present your content in a book we can both be proud of. All while you are liberated to focus on the skills and abilities you do have!
Find the Best Ghostwriter for You
Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.
George Orwell
Hire me as a ghostwriter today or learn more about me or check out the ghostwriting Q&A for more information about professional ghostwriting services. So far I’ve written in areas as diverse as business, leadership, sales and marketing, parenthood, health, change management, analytics, Big Data, politics, science, personal development, personality profiling, risk management, coaching, property development, investing, entrepreneurship and wealth creation. I don’t write straight memoirs or life stories. However, I do write hybrid memoirs where we wrap personal stories around key life lessons, theory or insights the author wishes to share.
Hire a Ghostwriter Today
If you feel that what you know could help others, if you want to be able to add ‘author’ to your corporate bio and increase your fees, or if you just want to share something with the world, then Contact Me. You can call me on 077 99 272 432 (+44 77 99 272 432) or email me at [email protected] and let’s see what’s possible!