- Publisher: Urbane Publications
- Available in: Paperback and Kindle
- ISBN: 978-1-909273-64-1
- Published: August 26, 2015
Wicked & Wise is the compelling launch title in a groundbreaking new series exploring hotly debated issues facing the planet and its people, and offering unique ways to tackle seemingly intractable social and cultural challenges.
Co-authored by leadership and change expert Alan Watkins and renowned social thinker Ken Wilber, Wicked & Wise looks at the most pressing issues affecting the world today. From the clash of religions and cultures, to the growing dependence upon technology, the book sets the scene for debating key challenges facing current and future generations. Many issues, whether social, cultural, political, or commercial seem completely resistant to change. However the authors suggest that many ‘wicked’ problems can be philosophically and practically challenged by the application of a ‘wise’ Integral Coherence model, providing a platform to engage with the issues in a highly developed, enlightened and selfless way.
Helped me to understand that deeper empathy and attention to getting others on board is critical to accelerate and embed change. – Matt Simister, Commercial Director Fresh Food & Commodities, Tesco Plc
I would also like to acknowledge my editor Karen McCreadie. Karen and I have established a brilliant relationship that has enabled us to land my ideas, which are often a bit vague and sometimes complex in their construction, and she helps do this rapidly without losing intention or tone. I can no longer imagine doing a book without Karen’s invaluable support. Not only has she been vital in unravelling some of the concepts that I wrestle with but we are able to laugh about the process too which keeps us both sane. Her ability to find a piece of research that I thought I read years ago is incredible, or better still come up with a more recent example that I had not even noticed. Thank you Karen, and buckle up we have plenty more work to do. (Alan Watkins)
With the wonderful help from Karen McCreadie, we jumped into the project with real enthusiasm and I can only say “joy”. (Ken Wilber)